Ive been trying to get my websites font to work on all of my devices for the past like two or more weeks and I have FINALLY done it! Im so actually happy I could scream (litterally)! Ive been working on my site like all week and im super happy with it!! Ive started to work on my about me page and its super cute so far! Im hoping to make a page full of code snippets like how I add my little headers and such and how to UPLOAD FONTS so they work on all devices! I really want to try to put all of the things I wish I knew how to do when I started coding in there. Ive also thought about making a graphics page but I feel it would be easier to just link the like 100 cool sites full of graphics I have saved. I might just make my graphics page for graphics I've made specifically! I really want my site to be cutesy but also helpful, I have a TON of useful websites saved I have just yet to make a page for them all, I really wanna be one of those sites people link for having tons of resources. Enough about my website, lets talk about me! Since this was not up for Valentines Day I figured I'd share what I got, my boyfriend bought me this lamp I've been wanting for a WHILEEEEE!!! I love it so much its the lamp pictured on the right!! I love it so much, he lives on my nightstand! I really wanted him beacuse he looks like a banana and a borzoi! Im very greatful and happy I got him!!
My first ever entry! Ive been working on the page for the past few hours (decorating) and I really like it! I love the way its come out and im super excited to use this page!!! It took me quite a bit to figure out where I wanted what and what graphics I wanted to use. This is the finished product!! Enjoy!! :DD